Fiberfiend is currently blogging on her attempt to knit an almost authentic Bohus sweater.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blocking Magic

The endless miles of stockinette are done, and the body is complete! Finished the bottom edge in twisted rib for 1 1/2" then corrugated rib in color for another 1/2". Bound off in the yellow to match the sleeves.

Now, my gauge changes with the TV show I'm watching; sci-fi thrillers create a tighter gauge than cooking shows. And this shows up in the lumpy bumpy body of cardigan. That's why God made Blocking.

I wanted to block the sweater before knitting the button bands to ensure they fit, so I soaked the garment in warm soapy water for 20 minutes, rinsed in warm water, rolled in a towel, and shaped it on my body double. It's amazing how the stitches even out, gauge smooths up and everything looks better.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, awesome job and I discovered the tension issue this morning, I may need to restart the sencond half of my North Sea for that reason.
