Interested in knitting your own Brenda Cardigan? Feel free to join along! I'll be posting the pattern as I knit complete with any problems (and solutions!) I encounter along the way.
The first step would be to knit a swatch. (I know, I know. But it's the only way in this case to know what needle to use.) Since I am an extremely loose knittter, I usually end up with a needle two sizes smaller (sometimes more) than that recommended. So I'm going to suggest you first try your swatch with a size 8 since I found gauge with a size 6. By knitting three repeats of the chevron pattern (see graph) your swatch should measure 6 1/2" x 9 1/2" after lightly blocking.
(I'm sure you know this, but just in case: if your swatch is too big, go to a smaller needle; if it's too small, use a bigger needle.) The graph has no key, but uses standard lace symbols; two stitches to the right of the yarn-overs are right leaning decreases. I used k2tog. Two stitches to the left of the yarn-overs (except on the first row) are left leaning decreases. I used ssk. You may use whatever decreases you prefer. Between repeats is a row of separation stitches; wrong side rows are purled with the exception of the separation row, which are purl on right side, knit on wrong side. All clear? Happy knitting!
Hi! I think your Brenda Cardigan is just beautiful. I was going to print it out to give it a try, but the HTML that appears between the pattern lines is very confusing. Can that be deleted? Thanks!