Sometimes the easiest designs aren't. Easy, I mean; this little cardigan has a mind of its own. I tried to put a waist-cinching band of ribbing below the armhole shaping (which would have been less waist-cinching and more umpire/baby doll shaping, but you know what I mean) but it was just, I don't know, wrong. I knit the ribbing with the same needle size as the body and it looked large and sloppy. I frogged, and tried again with a size smaller needle. Still looked out of place. So I went back to the stockinette and everyone was happy.
Sometimes you just have to listen to the design. I'm waiting for the sleeves to tell me what they want to look like.
P.S. Those dangly things in front are stitch holders. The front has a U shaped neckline, and they're holding the stitches that form the base of the U. Just thought you'd like to know.